Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm not a plastic bag..

Jeg har fått sansen for handlenett,  og ihvertfall når de ser slik ut!
Jeg prøver å droppe pose om jeg ikke trenger, men når man handler stort, 
så trenger jeg fortsatt mange poser.
Håper jeg klarer å bare bruke nett i fremtiden, for plastposer er ut!

I like reusable shopping bags, and I'm trying to avoid using
plastic bags, if I don't need to.
When I do my weekly shopping, I need many bags, but I'm hoping to 
only use the reusable ones in the future.

Are you there yet?


ABE said...

Den siste var hysterisk moro :)

Casa Très Chic said...

These bags are so stylish and fun!
Love the one in the last picture.
Thank you for your comments on our blog.
Have a nice weekend.

Nin said...

Lol...Me like!

Cherry Blossom Blog said...

Me like!
Plastikkposer er ut ;)

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