Monday, August 8, 2011

Happier times ahead

It's been a rough year so far, both for my family
and for my little country, Norway.
I choose to look forward, enjoy life
and smile again!

I am making a positive change, by
adding happy Missoni flowers
to my blog:)

What's your recipe for happy thoughts?


Nina :) said...


jeanine said...

I hope things get better for you from now on!

I love the flowers. :)

1001natt said...

Fine ord, hadde trengt litt lykke her også.. Jeg får gjøre som deg, krysse fingrene for at det beste ligger foran meg og ikke bak..;) Takk for litt inspirasjon!!

Cherry Blossom Blog said...

"i believe that beauty heals,
nurtures and strenghtens us..."

jeg finner mye styrke og glede i det vakre!

og jeg liiiker den nye looken her inne.
absolutt happier times :) *smiiile*

god klem

HiH said...

Håper ting går bra for deg og dine framover:)Gode tanker fra Tønsberg.

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